Travel Nevada Event Sponsorship Grant
Table of Contents:
I. Program Overview
1. Program Description
2. Key Objectives
II. Eligibility Information
1. Applicant Eligibility
III. Application and Submission Information
1. Before You Begin
2. How to Submit an application
IV. Marketing Guidelines
V. Reporting Requirements
1. Financial reporting and Procedures
VI. Terms of Application
I. Program Overview:
1.Program Description
The Travel Nevada Event Sponsorship Grant was created to stimulate in-state, domestic, and international tourisms to Nevada destinations. The grant is part the agency’s Industry Development Programs which aims to achieve the following Industry Strategic Initiatives:
The Travel Nevada Event Sponsorship Grant was created to stimulate in-state, domestic, and international tourisms to Nevada destinations. The grant is part the agency’s Industry Development Programs which aims to achieve the following Industry Strategic Initiatives:
1. IMPROVE quality of life for Nevadans through community-focused tourism development and placemaking/placekeeping efforts to convey authentic experiences that reflect local culture and values;
2. INCREASE revenue and job opportunities for rural communities due to increased visitor spend as a result of extended length of stay due to increased bookable product, enhanced tourism assets, and robust destination infrastructure;
3. EMPOWER local communities to advocate for and adopt policies and practices to ensure the sustainability of their tourism economy, minimizing negative impacts on environmental and cultural resources through destination care and stewardship strategies and messaging;
4. EXPAND state partnerships to benefit Nevada residents through increased capacity, technical expertise, and availability of resources;
5. BUILD the adaptive capacity of rural Nevada communities through long-term tourism planning to include hazard mitigation and crisis management strategies, economic diversification, infrastructure improvements, and workforce development;
6. FOSTER a welcoming culture towards all residents and visitors by centering accessibility, diversity, equity, and inclusion in infrastructure, marketing, and in-market messaging statewide.
7. ESTABLISH an understanding of the ways in which local tourism products and services are fundamental to a vibrant quality of life for all Nevadans, ensuring mutual benefits for visitors and residents;
8. ENCOURAGE visitation through positive awareness and perception of Nevada as a globally recognized brand amongst global travel trade professionals and travelers.
2.Key Objectives
The objectives of the Travel Nevada Event Sponsorship are as follows:
1. To promote Nevada’s outdoor recreation, sports, arts, and heritage events.
2. To support events with a high potential for drawing out-of-market, out-of-state, or international attendance, improve direct visitor spending, and promote overnight stays.
3. To enhance visitor experience in destinations statewide.
4. To encourage innovation and financial longevity in Nevada’s special events. Travel Nevada intent that events become financially self-sustaining over time, therefore awarded funds will decrease as the lifetime of the event grows.
5. To provide seed funding for new events or to provide funding for expanding urban events that have the potential to generate tourism to or within the state.
6. To provide seed funding for new events rural events. Seed funding is limited to a maximum of $10,000 funding.
II. Eligibility Information:
1. Applicant Eligibility
A total of $125,000 in funding is available per fiscal year. Applications will be reviewed in the order they are received, and awards will be granted until the total available amount has been exhausted, or the end of the fiscal year, whichever occurs first. Applications must be submitted a minimum of 120 days prior to the event’s start date to be considered.
Events held in urban communities of 100,000+ residents are eligible to receive up to $50,000 funding for new or expanding existing events.
Events held in rural communities (less than 100,000 residents) are eligible to receive up to $10,000 seed funding for new events.
Expansion is defined as: substantial increase in the duration of the event, increased programming, and/or increased event footprint.
New event is defined as: an event that has not happened in the past or an event that is in its first 1-3 years. Any rural events that exceed this timeframe are encouraged to determine eligibility for event marketing support through Travel Nevada’s Rural Marketing Grant program.
III. Application and Submission Information
1. Before you Begin:
The following information will be necessary to complete your application:
Only ONE application will be accepted per organization
Applications for Travel Nevada Event Sponsorship Grant funding will be accepted exclusively through the Submittable Platform. Applicants will need to create an account on Submittable by clicking the link at After registering, a confirmation email including instructions and next steps will be sent to the address used to create the account. Submittable will generate an organizational log-in which will be used to access your application.
2. How to Submit an application:
Once you have created a Submittable account, you will be able to access the application. You will be able to save your work and return to your application to continue editing it until you click Submit, at which time your application will no longer be available for editing. Please be sure to answer every question on the application completely and to the best of your ability
Your application on Submittable must be complete to be considered. Failure to complete the application in its entirety will jeopardize your organization’s eligibility to receive funding.
IV. Marketing Guidelines:
a. Prior to publication, Materials and Assets in DRAFT form must be submitted to the Division of Tourism for review. The Division of Tourism requires 10 working days to review a submission and make requests for edits or alterations, so allow for this as you 15 are planning. Send draft materials, along with a Materials Review Request, to
b. For Photography and video funded projects the Nevada Division of Tourism retains the right for unlimited usage with no expiration date. It is the responsibility of the grantee to inform contracted artists of Travel Nevada’s rights to use any materials produced with this funding. A Media Licensing Agreement will need to be signed with Nevada Division of Tourism. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of the grantee to provide photography and video files to the Nevada Division of Tourism.
c. Projects funded for print require the grantee to follow the Division of Tourism Content Policy and Brand Guidelines. Logo and “Sponsored by Travel Nevada” must be included in printed materials.
VI. Reporting Requirements
In order to remain in compliance with the requirements to receive this funding, grantees are asked to provide reports on project status to the Division of Tourism. Prior to applying for funding, please review these requirements to ensure that your organization is capable and willing to complete and submit the necessary reports as outlined below.
1. Financial Reporting and Procedures:
a. If awarded –
i. The applicant’s organization must be registered as a vendor with the State of Nevada to receive reimbursement. To register please contact
ii. Proof of IRS designation (letter from IRS, first page of Form 990)
iii. Information documenting outcomes of previous Urban Sponsorships granted to your organization
iv. An Award letter will be emailed to the main contact of the application to be electrically signed confirming award amount before Travel Nevada can receive an Invoice.
b. Reporting –
i. A report detailing the event impacts, requested data and describing expenditure of sponsorship fund is due within 60 days following completion of the event. To be sent to